Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Living in NY last summer has made a huge impact on my life. Above is a picture of Lake George.  I spent a lot of time there walking around and enjoying the summer festivities.  Below is my neice and nephew (Julia and Dylan).  I was able to spend the whole summer with them and the rest of my family that lives there.  I loved that I could see them almost everyday and they really got to know who I am.  I lived with my brother Cedric, which was awesome because we get a long pretty well.  I feel a lot closer to both my brothers and gram and now talk to them more then I have before.  I also made some friends who I can't wait to see again!

The other thing that has made an impact in my life is going away to college.  I hate school and I hated living with other people that I don't know.  My first semester was pretty rough, but second semester was a little better.  I just can't wait until Im done with school but I am going to continue here until I graduate.  I'll have my own room next year so hopefully that will be better =/

A picture of your favorite candy

Pretty self explanetory

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