Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you

I really don't have a picture for this one. I don't really have a person who inspires me. I guess I just take life lessons from all different people.  If I hear something that has meaning to my life then that person has inspired me a little. I don't think any person can have just one role model because you learn something new from new people everyday.

A picture of your favorite outfit
Ahh...I don't think I have a picture of me in my favorite outfit. I don't even know if I can call it my absolute favorite outfit. I am a girl and I LOVE clothes, so I have many favorite outfits.  I do love wearing dresses at the moment though..and would love to get some more if I have extra money =] So heres a recent one of me in a dress I like.

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