Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chelsea has a little!

It was that time of the semester, for new girls to come out and join the sorority.  I was so excited as this was my frist time watching others join, and then to top it off I became a big sister(within the sorority that is).  I was 6th in line to get a little sister and it just so happened that we had 6 girls wanting to join.  The night we found out who our littles were, I couldn't wait to start making shirts with letters on them for her.  My littles name is Steph and she is the best little I could ever ask for! I am so happy she decided to join and become a part of an amazing family.

Me and Steph the night she got in!

 Some of our family. Ash, Nicole, Kristin (my big <3), me and Steph

Me, Jenn, Kristin and Steph

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