Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

#photoadayjuly 11


One of my favorite letters is greek. For those who don't know it's a theta :)

#photoadayjuly 10

Favorite color
I always wear pink and blue but I like so many colors.

Monday, July 9, 2012

#photoadayjuly 9

My big old cat, Kosmoe. I love him so much, he is such a cuddle bug.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Photoadayjuly 8

Well I forgot to take a picture of my lunch so heres dinner instead. Thought this day was boring, I don't think anyone really cares what I had for dinner. Oh well.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

#Photoadayjuly 7

Mom's garden she made for the kids. It has these awesome chocolate mint leaves in there along with some other herbs, a tree, and paths to walk on.

Photoadayjuly 6

Went for a night swim tonight with mom and dad. Here's the chair on the deck along with the pool.

# photoadayjuly 5

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

#photoadayjuly 4


Today I was able to relax and spend all day out by the pool with some wonderful ladies. Then I went and saw Magic Mike with mom and Kass And Shane called me tonight! The fun part of my day was laying out, but the best part was by far hearing from Shane!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

#photoadayjuly 3

Today at work, Rachel was playing with the fourth of july sprinkles we had out... Well the top blew off and stars went everywhere! I don't know why but it was halarious at the time and the funniest part of my day.

# photoadayjuly 2

Busy: Since mail is so slow between here and Washington I received a bunch of letters all at one time about once a week from Shane. Today was one of those days. I was busy reading all of them a little earlier. I love hearing from him and the letters make it exciting, but I do wish they came every day. ;)

Monday, July 2, 2012

#photoadayjuly 1

Self portrait. Not too creative here, but here's me on the beach.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July photo challenge

Okay, so I came into the June photo challenge a little late but I think I did pretty well. Lets see if I can do the whole month of July now. Some pictures are fairly simple but I'm going to try to be a little more creative with some other ones. I wonder what memories I can capture this month?

Day 30, friend

Ariel! Forever <3 Always

Day 29, soft

Blanket Shanes mom made for me

Day 28, on the shelf

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Found this on a TSM site and it made me laugh. Had to share it.

"The only thing that makes my sorority's hand sign better is the engagement ring on my left hand. TSM."

Day 27

Bathroom: this is just something we have hanging on our bathroom wall

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 26

Where you shop: VS

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25

Well I figured out how to do this. I downloaded blogger to my phone :)

Something cute


Okay, well I suck at blogging this year.  With work and wedding planning I just havn't had time to sit down and blog everynight.  Plus it's kinda of a pain in the ass butt to put pictures on my computer everyday just to upload them onto here. I have been doing the June photo challenge every day though, but on Instagram.  If you don't have Instagram, it is a neat photosharing app.  You can follow me on there by looking for my name or at chelsdale21. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June photo day challenge

Okay So I want to try and do these photo day challenges. Im obviously late for June, but I can start now and then continue with July.  I'll probably be posting a bunch of these on instagram too. =]

bloggers cramp

I havn't blogged in a while, and I feel like starting another photo thing.  Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I hope I can keep up with it.
Shane is away again for training and he wont be back until then end of July so I should have time to do more blogging. 
Now to go find something interesting I can post about.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


My last full year of college is coming to end and I while I am trying to finish all my homework and projects I am also trying to spend as much time as I can with my sisters before this long summer break.  For the girls who are graduating we have a nice senior dinner for them.  This year we went to a place called Westline.....

Over the weekend I went bowling with my CRaZZZy friends and then celebrating two other sisters birthdays.

Thursday Night....
 Shelly and I

Me and Anna

Friday we had pizza and cake for Tiannas Birthday, but I don't have any pics from it.  Then that night we celebrated Laekhans birthday....

(Pictures to come)

Military Ball

I went to Military Ball with Shane at the end of March.  I have now been to three of them.  This year was more fun than the others because I actually knew some of the people we were sitting with and it seemed to go by faster! ( can be quite boring)  The best part about it is getting dressed up and having my fiance show me off to everyone he knows.

Before the Ball

At the Ball

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wedding website!

Just a link to Shane and mines wedding webpage. Forgot to put it on here until now... :/

The Sock Bun

Okay, so I saw this sock bun on Pinterest (If you havn't heard of it, or you have and havn't joined yet, do it now!) and I just had to try it.  The first time didn't work out too well because I did it when my hair was dry and it was falling out everywhere.  So the second time I tried it, I did it when I got out of the shower so my hair was wet.  this worked much better.

Picture I saw...
Pinned Image

Cute, right?

Heres mine....
Not too bad, I think it turned out pretty well for my first time around.  Next time, I just need to get the part wet thats going in the bun so my hair isn't so flat and stiff!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break was nice AMAZING!

The Saturday after I got home we (mom, Kass and I) decided to go to Davids Bridal and try on wedding dresses for the first time.  I knew what kind of dress I wanted but I didn't have the wedding dress lingo down yet so I brought pictures and described it.  The girl helping us, Hanna, was great! She pulled out many dresses like the one I described and a couple more styles to try on just for fun.  When I put the first one on I got a huge smile on my face, not because I knew it was the dress, but because I had a wedding dress on and I knew this was really happening.  I probably tried on 8 or 10 dresses but none of them screamed out THIS IS IT!  So, we thanked them for their time and went home.

Then on Sunday I went to a bridal fair at The Links at Gettysburg with my mom, Kassidy, Dianna, and her mom.  It was my first bridal fair so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect and I was a little unprepared.  I found out about it because I was interested in the venue.  It's a beautiful golf course with a stream running through it, a stone bridge, flowers and gorgeous souroundings.  As we walked in we were handed a glass of champaigne (which I have to find out what it was called...DELICIOUS), and bags full of papers and magazines.  We walked around to all the diferent vendors, trying cakes, looking at flower arrangements & photo albums and talking to DJ & limosine companies.  As they were asking me questions I realized I didn't know much about how I wanted my wedding to be, so I just kind of guessed and told them what I thought.  Anyways, it was a lot of fun and I have a lot of numbers and new ideas, and I planned to talk to Shane about our wedding so we had a better understanding of what each of us wanted.

On Tuesday night I made an appointment with J&B Bridals in Chambersburg.  Once again it was just mom, Kass and I. I knew they had a designer that I loved so I couldn't wait to try on dresses there.  This time I had Jami helping me, she picked out so many beautiful dresses.  I picked which one I wanted to try on first and once I had it on I thought "this might be the one".  I loved it, but I still wanted to try on more because you never know whats going to look good on you.  Jami suggested I try on this other style that was very similar but had a slight difference. (I would describe them, but I can't take the chance of Shane seeing this)  I didn't think that it would look good on me with my body type but it was very pretty so I gave it a try.  To my surprise she was right!  I loved this style and this dress even more than the first one.  It actually looked amazing with my body type and I was in love! I said "Yes!"  We put a down payment on it that night so in a couple of months I can go back and try on MY wedding dress!

On the next couple nights Shane and I just hung out, talked more about wedding plans and what we like.  I think we I have picked our colors, a deep pink/watermelon, mint green, and tangerine orange! Bright and Beautiful!

Example of the colors

On Thursday night I decided to go camping with Shane (eeek). Okay, it wasn't that bad!  The hike up to the campsite was hard and tireing but I made it, so I was happy.  Shane was so excited that I was going with him, since he has been bugging me for forever.  We also took Willow with us, which kinda made me feel better about sleeping outside.  I helped collect branches to burn and set up the tent.  We sat on chairs made out of rocks, listened to music, talked and cooked hotdogs over the fire.  All-in-all it was a nice night.

Before going home on Sunday I needed to have some time with my girls, so Friday night Shane and I went to Cancun with Ariel and Shaynna.  It wasn't that busy but it was nice to see each other and hang out for a bit. We still got a lot of laughs in.

Love them

Chelsea has a little!

It was that time of the semester, for new girls to come out and join the sorority.  I was so excited as this was my frist time watching others join, and then to top it off I became a big sister(within the sorority that is).  I was 6th in line to get a little sister and it just so happened that we had 6 girls wanting to join.  The night we found out who our littles were, I couldn't wait to start making shirts with letters on them for her.  My littles name is Steph and she is the best little I could ever ask for! I am so happy she decided to join and become a part of an amazing family.

Me and Steph the night she got in!

 Some of our family. Ash, Nicole, Kristin (my big <3), me and Steph

Me, Jenn, Kristin and Steph

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

This is going to be a long one....


A LOT has happened since I last blogged!

Fall semester 2011 has ended.  Im sad to say I did not get all A's but I did pass every class! I was thrilled to go home for a long, much needed break. The first part of my break consisted of working.  I was so happy I got to go into work, I missed decorating cupcakes and the girls that work there soo much!  I also lounged around the house, watched movies, baked, and made my first sorority shirts.  They turned out way better then I imagined they would.

Dipped Pretzels

One of the shirts I made. Frontside


The next awesome thing that happened on break was my best friend Dianna and her boyfriend Ethan got engaged! I was super excited and so happy for her.  She also asked me to be her M.O.H. (maid of honor). I am obviously thrilled and can't wait to help her plan her wedding.

Christmas day was nice.  I got quite a few giftcards which I loved because that meant shopping! I also got my kitchen aid and I didn't get to use it yet, but I can't wait to try it out.  After opening presents at my house, Shane and I went to his dads for lunch, and then back to my house for the rest of the night.  It wasn't as rushed as it usually is and it was nice to only have to go to one other place.  Also over Christmas we fostered a lab/pitt mix puppy from the SPCA. He is soooo adoreable and soooo well behaved.  I love him so much already.  His name is Jasper, and he's supposed to go back January 11th but I don't see that happening.  Willow and him are not the best of friends yet because he likes to bite at her feet, but we are teaching him not to do that and I'm sure they will become friends soon =]

My beautiful kitchen aid


Kassidy has been planning on getting a tattoo for so long, and on Christmas she got a gift card for a tattoo shop.  So, she set up an appointment and I went with her for her first tattoo.  It was really neat to watch someone actually get one upclose.  She did such a great job and said there were only a couple spots that hurt.  Every once in a while she would make a funny face, but mostly she (and I) tried not to laugh.  Her tattoo turned out really great!


Finally, the most exciting thing that happened on break: I got engaged!!!

I had been working all day and Shane and I had planned to go out for dinner after, so we went to Crazy Horse Steak House.  Dinner was great and afterwards Shane said he wanted to go to City Park to see if the Christmas lights were still up.  I didn't suspect anything because he had been talking about it all break and we never had the chance to go.  Once we got there, we got out of the car and Shane got our scrapbook out of the back seat.  I asked why he had it, and he said he wanted to start a new tradition of looking through our scrapbook at the end of each year.  I thought it was kind of strange but also sweet.  We sat down at a picnic table and I began flipping through the pages, Shane would not help flip any of the pages, he said I had to do it myself.  Finally, after the last page I did, I turned it over and the last page said "Will you marry me?"  At that moment he got down on one knee and asked.  Honestly, I stared for a second or two before reacting because I was totally surprised and did not expect it, but then of course I said yes.  When we walked back to the car he handed me roses and I began texting everyone! haha

First picture as an engaged couple

My scrapbook page

My roses

And me being excited =]
(Oh the ring is on my left hand but since I took the picture using my phone it flipped