Thursday, June 23, 2011

21st Birthday

Wow! I can not beleive I am 21 years old! I feel like this is the last birthday I will have ever looked forward to. When your young you can't wait to be 13 just so you can say your a teenager. Then in a few years 16 comes around and you get to drive! Once you have driving mastered though you can't wait to be 18 because now your an "Adult".  Then theres the big 21 (well for those who want to  But after 21, whats next? 30? Who wants to say, "Hey! Im 30 today". I don't think I'm going to because that would just mean Im getting old right?  I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to birthdays in general because I hope to have a long and fulfilling life, but I feel like after 21 Im just getting old now...theres nothing to look forward to...until Im 65 and get senior citizen discounts! hehe.

Anyway my 21st was a lot of fun!  I went out to a restaraunt/bar with some amazing friends and was the only one drinking...haha. Needless to say, I didn't get out of bed until 3:30 PM the next day!

My Girls, Dianna and Ariel

Katie and I

Me, Jeff, and Jeremy

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