Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Found this on a TSM site and it made me laugh. Had to share it.

"The only thing that makes my sorority's hand sign better is the engagement ring on my left hand. TSM."

Day 27

Bathroom: this is just something we have hanging on our bathroom wall

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 26

Where you shop: VS

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25

Well I figured out how to do this. I downloaded blogger to my phone :)

Something cute


Okay, well I suck at blogging this year.  With work and wedding planning I just havn't had time to sit down and blog everynight.  Plus it's kinda of a pain in the ass butt to put pictures on my computer everyday just to upload them onto here. I have been doing the June photo challenge every day though, but on Instagram.  If you don't have Instagram, it is a neat photosharing app.  You can follow me on there by looking for my name or at chelsdale21. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June photo day challenge

Okay So I want to try and do these photo day challenges. Im obviously late for June, but I can start now and then continue with July.  I'll probably be posting a bunch of these on instagram too. =]

bloggers cramp

I havn't blogged in a while, and I feel like starting another photo thing.  Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I hope I can keep up with it.
Shane is away again for training and he wont be back until then end of July so I should have time to do more blogging. 
Now to go find something interesting I can post about.