Saturday, April 14, 2012


My last full year of college is coming to end and I while I am trying to finish all my homework and projects I am also trying to spend as much time as I can with my sisters before this long summer break.  For the girls who are graduating we have a nice senior dinner for them.  This year we went to a place called Westline.....

Over the weekend I went bowling with my CRaZZZy friends and then celebrating two other sisters birthdays.

Thursday Night....
 Shelly and I

Me and Anna

Friday we had pizza and cake for Tiannas Birthday, but I don't have any pics from it.  Then that night we celebrated Laekhans birthday....

(Pictures to come)

Military Ball

I went to Military Ball with Shane at the end of March.  I have now been to three of them.  This year was more fun than the others because I actually knew some of the people we were sitting with and it seemed to go by faster! ( can be quite boring)  The best part about it is getting dressed up and having my fiance show me off to everyone he knows.

Before the Ball

At the Ball