Thursday, September 1, 2011


So it's a new school year and I'm back in Bradford. There's a lot of things that I miss from this summer but a lot of things I'm looking forward to and like at school as well. I feel like it's a listing kind of day so here we go...

I miss
hot weather
my job
my pets
summer nights
my bed
summer clothes

I like at school
decorating my own room
new housemates =]
change of scenery
getting my education
campus activities
not working

Ok so it's kind of hard to think of things I really love about school (if it were near a beach, now that would be a different story) but I'm still happy to be here.  I only have a year and a half left to get my bachelors!
Classes are all going well so far. I haven't really had any homework yet besides reading handouts or chapters out of the book.  I don't have any classes on Fridays which is awesome and I'm done before 12 on Thursdays so I have nice long weekends =] But you are probably bored reading about my school schedule so if anything interesting happens in the next week or so I'll try to let you know!

Here's some pics of my room at school =]

...and here's Shane and I on our first day at school.